Football Table Tennis – What is it and how to play

Have you heard of football table tennis?

This exciting sport, also known as teqball, is becoming increasingly popular around the world.

In this article, we’ll explore what football table tennis is, how it’s played, and answer some frequently asked questions about the sport.

What is Football Table Tennis?

Football table tennis is a sport that combines elements of table tennis and football.

It is played on a table that resembles a table tennis table, but instead of using paddles and a ball, players use their feet and a soccer ball.

The game is played with two or four players, and the aim is to score points by hitting the ball over the net and onto your opponent’s side of the table without the ball bouncing more than once.

Football table tennis differs from regular table tennis in that it requires more footwork and involves a larger playing surface. It’s a great way to improve your football skills while having fun with friends.

Teqball: A New Sport on the Rise

One variation of football table tennis is teqball, a new sport that’s taking the world by storm.

Teqball is played on a curved Teqball table that resembles a half-pipe.

The curve of the table adds an extra level of challenge to the game, making it even more exciting to play and watch.

Teqball was invented in Hungary in 2012 by two football enthusiasts who wanted to create a sport that combined football and table tennis.

Since then, it has grown in popularity and has been recognized as an official sport by the International Teqball Federation.

So, why is it called teqball? The name comes from the combination of “technical” and “ball”, emphasizing the technical skill and precision required to play the game.

Teqball Rules and Regulations

Now that you know what teqball is, let’s take a closer look at the rules of the game.

The game is played on a table that measures 3 meters by 1.7 meters, and has a curve of 6 millimeters.

Players use their feet, chest, and head to hit the ball over the net and onto their opponent’s side of the table.

One of the unique features of teqball is that the ball can only bounce once on each side of the table before being hit back.

This means that players must be quick on their feet and have excellent ball control to keep the game going. To score a point, the ball must land on the opponent’s side of the table without touching the ground or bouncing more than once.

The first player to reach 12 points with a lead of at least two points wins the game.

Teqball and Professional Sports

Teqball has quickly gained popularity around the world and is now recognized as an official sport by the International Teqball Federation.

The sport has even been included in major sporting events like the Southeast Asian Games and the African Beach Games.

Teqball has also attracted professional athletes from other sports, such as Neymar Jr., who is a keen player and owns his own teqball table. With its growing popularity and appeal, teqball is set to become a major player in the world of professional sports.

FAQs about Teqball

Here are some frequently asked questions about teqball:

Is Teqball a Real Sport?

Yes, teqball is a real sport that combines elements of football and table tennis.

Is Teqball in the Olympics?

Teqball is not currently an Olympic sport, but there is hope that it will be included in future games.

How do you Pronounce Teqball?

Teqball is pronounced “tech-ball”.

Who Invented Teqball?

Teqball was invented in Hungary in 2012 by Gábor Borsányi and Viktor Huszár.